The Abbey School Board of Management
The Board of Management manages the school and it reports to the Department of Education and Skills and also to the Trustees, the Edmund Rice Schools Trust. The Board employs the Principal, Teachers and other staff; it controls finance, health & safety and all policy making. Appeals against decisions made by the Principal are heard by the Board of Management.
There are eight members of the board, four nominated by ERST, two elected by parents and two elected by teaching staff. The Board meets approximately seven times each year and it has a three year term of office. The Principal acts as Secretary to the Board but he is not a voting member of the Board.
Current Board of Management Members:
Dominic Hayes (Chairperson)
Siobhan Cleary (ERST)
Mairead Richardson (ERST)
Marie Donovan (ERST)
Christine Marnane (Parent Nominee)
Jessica Kelly (Parent Nominee)
Michael O’Dwyer (Teacher)
Darren Carew (Teacher)